5 Tricks To Remember So You Can Start To Improve Your Natural Light Portrait Photography Now
Natural light photography is my niche. I absolutely love how I’m challenged to use the light of the sun to create wonderful photographs.
Natural light photography might seem like it should be a walk in the park, but trust me, it’s not. If you’re not strategic with the placement of your camera, the subject, the reflector, and the light you can end up with photos you don’t want.
Knowing how to execute your vision can lead you to use light and shadow creatively.
5 Tips for Successful Natural Light Portrait Photography
Find The Light
First things first: where’s the sun? Is it behind you? Is it in front of you? Does your client have squinty eyes because they are looking directly into it?
These are questions you should constantly be asking yourself during a session. As you become more comfortable using natural light the answers to these questions will be second nature to you.
Embrace The Shade
On a sunny day, the shade will have the most even lighting. This will make it easier for you to take a clients photo with a more desirable exposure.
When the shade isn’t even, use the shadows. Shadows can be used to create memorable editorial style portraits.
Go Indoors
Natural light photography is not always synonymous with being outside. Being near a window or under a sun roof can help you bring some natural light inside.
Go Outside
Now that you’ve been indoors, go back outside. I love shooting typical outdoor client sessions on cloudy, overcast days. The lighting is my favorite.
Love The Sun
While overcast is my favorite for typical sessions, sunny days are great for when I want to be more creative. Just be sure to adjust your ISO accordingly.
Related: Beginner Photography Tips: Understanding ISO
While these tips can be used the next time you use your camera, remember that when it comes to photography there is no one-size-fits all formula. Photography is a form of artistic expression. If you love what you’ve created, that’s all that matters.