Make Money Blogging: Affiliate Programs For A Good Cause That You Can Apply To Join
Hey there, YOU! I reckon you’re here because you’re looking for ways to monetize your blog. One way to monetize your blog is by joining an affiliate program and becoming an affiliate marketer.
Before I get into what the programs are, let me answer the question:
What is Affiliate Marketing?
According the Wikipedia definition, affiliate marketing is a performance-based award system where affiliates (YOU) are rewarded with either credit, product, or cash for using your platform to send paying customers to a business.
You’ve probably seen this a lot on platforms like Instagram where a blogger with 100K followers has a post about how awesome her sunglasses are and then offers a discount code to all who want to buy the sunglasses.
The truth is you don’t need 100K followers to be an affiliate marketer. There are plenty of programs out there where people can apply and start making strides without a huge following.
Since I’m all about doing things with a clear conscience, I’m going to share some programs that you can apply for that are also for a good cause.